Case Studies

Set Top Box Analytics

A major North American Cable Operator Partnered with Alteris to improve it’s business operation visibility. In leveraging the Alteris platform together we were able to provide structured and tangible result based outcomes that enable achieved operational benefits with a customer view.

A Cable provide that offers clients unparalleled choices to customers across America with a state-of-the-art video, high-speed Internet, phone and online services.

Working with Alteris, We were tasked to analyze the data and help answer how consumers consume TV content; we were able to profile viewers to specific content for better marketing of advertising air time. We established what metrics to use for analysis on a monthly basis and how effective is the cable provider advertising of its own product .



TV Viewing (Set top box data) – over 15 billion records
Subscription – over 2 million households
Marketing campaign – over 50 million ad campaigns


Working with Alteris, a high performing data mining and Data QA program was developed to fundamentally identify and answer the above business questions

Alteris was able to clean, categorize, collate all the different data streams to ensure data was standardized for reporting.
Various viewing metrics were evaluated to identify key metrics, used in standardized reporting
Advertising campaigns were evaluated for effectiveness via changes in product subscription.

Value Achieved

Based on the refinement, categorization and deep dive analysis of all the three varied data streams Alteris was able to help client in making critical business decisions

The key accomplishments include:

  • Provided cable provider with insights into their subscriber behavior never before possible.
  • Allowed for better utilization of TV marketing campaign air time
  • Identified patterns in usage for better targeting of marketing campaigns; allowing for cost saving and accurate inventory management
  • Improved ability to target households for upsell using greater understanding of their behavior
    Helped refine bundle service offerings. Client is now able to pinpoint usage and targeting for sales and other services offering with a 40% increase in service subscription